1. Use Separate Email Accounts
If you’re like most people, your email account is probably the centralized hub of your personal activity. All of your Facebook notifications, website registrations, newsletters, messages, etc. get sent to your email box, right? That means you’re putting all of your eggs in one basket – if that basket happens to fall, you’ll lose all your eggs with it.
2. Create A Unique Password
Going along with the multiple account idea, you should also have an entirely unique password for each of your email accounts. Even if you decide to keep one “master” email account, make sure that its password is 100% unique.
3. Beware Of Phishing Scams
When dealing with a particular company or product that requires account information, have you ever seen the following message: “Never give away your personal information. We will never ask you for your password.” When someone sends you an email asking you for your personal information, you know right away that it’s a trick.
But there’s another level to this scam and it’s called “phishing.” Basically, malicious users will imitate and impersonate high-profile websites (e.g., eBay, Amazon, Facebook, etc.) and say that they’re experiencing trouble with your account; all you have to do to fix it is to send them your username and password to verify your authenticity. Sometimes they’ll even link you to a false website that looks exactly like the real thing.
4. Never Click Links In Emails
Whenever you see a link in an email, 99% of the time you should not click on it. The only exceptions are when you’re expecting a particular email, such as a forum registration link or game account activation email. Things like that.
5. Do Not Open Unsolicited Attachments
Attachments are a tricky thing when it comes to email. If you’re expecting something from a buddy or an uncle, then sure, go ahead and open the attachment. Have a laugh at the funny photo they sent you. It’s all good when you know the person sending the attachment.
6. Scan For Viruses & Malware
If you open an email and it seems suspicious in any way, go ahead and run a malware and virus scanner. Not every spam email will infect you with a virus and it may seem like overkill to run a malware scanner every time you open a fishy email, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. The one time that you decide to let it go could be the time your computer loads a keylogger.
7. Avoid Public Wi-Fi
Avoid checking your email when you’re on public Internet. Unfortunately, public Wi-Fi can be extremely insecure.
Credit: http://www.makeuseof.com